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New Inspections May Be Coming For Trampoline Parks,world cup 2010 germany jersey black

"The emergency room physicians from Utah Valley Regional Medical Center came and made a presentation to the Board of Health,world cup jerseys china, talking about some of the horrendous accidents they were seeing,world cup jerseys cheap china," Madigan said. "These are not your typical backyard trampolines. These are. industrial strength. People can get a lot more height,world cup, a lot more momentum."The physicians from the Utah Valley Regional Medical Center (UVRMC) brought the presentation to the health department in March. Some draft regulations were devised and trampoline park industry leaders also brought a presentation to the table. There will be a second review of the draft and a public meeting on Monday, followed by a vote on the regulations.One serious injury at Get Air Hang Time in Orem last weekend garnered unwanted publicity for the company. Aaron Cobabe, general manager of the jump park, which has been open for 15 months, said Kim Holman had signed a waiver on July 13, before jumping."He injured his knee while jumping on and across three trampolines to dunk a basketball into a net," Cobabe said. "Our staff asked Mr. Holman if he would like us to call 911. He declined and asked us for assistance to his car."Safety coaches were immediately at his side after getting hurt, Cobabe said, and all of their safety procedures were followed. Cobabe insisted injuries at his facility are rare, though not unavoidable as in any sport."In the last 12 months,world cup custom jerseys, we had more than 150,000 visits in our facility. Our major injury rate is 0.07 injuries per thousand people," Cobabe said. "None of the major injuries were concussions or paralysis. We define a major injury as more than one trip to the doctor's office."Despite Cobabe's claim that the sport is safer than most recreational activities,world cup baby clothes, UVRMC reported 57 people seriously injured at trampoline parks since June of 2009. Fifty two of them, or 91 percent, occurred in the past 18 months. With no regulations or safety reporting requirements for the parks,world cup cricket jerseys, the health department wants to know if the accidents are isolated or if there is a deeper problem to address."We're getting reports from one side saying all of these injuries are happening,world cup," Madigan said. "We get this report from the industry saying,world cup jerseys cheap, 'No,world cup jerseys canada, it's a relatively safe activity.' We want to get to the root of the matter."The average age of the severely injured patients UVRMC is treating is 19, they reported."We're talking multiple compound fractures, severe skin breaks from bones popping through," Madigan said. "Things you'd associate with contact sports, not with trampolines."{huiweigji4-26}