world cup I am a former youth academy

I am a former youth academy player AMA

I not sure if anyone would be interested in my story or opinion but I willing to partake if there is support,world cup

Just some back story about me. I grew up in a suburb of Vancouver, Canada. Took up footy at the age of 3 and it took over my life. Fast forward to age 11 (thats the age things start to get competitive) and I was the captain of British Columbia. Eventually left the Provincial team to play for the Vancouver Whitecaps youth system. Competed with them in the North American Championships placing third. show, called soccer dreams, in which the winner got a year long contract with Everton. Went to Europe to try and make it and was not successful. Returned to play with the CIS (Canadian Interuniversity Sport) Nation winning Capilano Blues. Today I am not playing competitively due to injury, and fitness.

I doing this in hopes of getting more players or ex players or even coaches involved in doing AMAs. My career is probably dwarfed in comparison to some redditors but we don ever seem to have anything like this happening,world cup custom jerseys. Well /r/Soccer AMA!!

EDIT : Wow! This is way more well received than I thought it would be. Thank you for all your questions. I have the day off work and will try and keep up, and keep this going as long as i can.

EDIT2: Well I think I about done guys,world cup Was cool to hear all your questions. Thanks /r/soccer it was a nostalgic blast!

It was worse for me, I was a skinny 17 non drinker who was brought in because some of my older cousins played. The ex goalkeeper hated my guts, even though he was a fat fucker who could barely get post to post.

Me being an ambitious youngster, turned up for every training, threw myself around like an idiot,world cup jerseys cheap china, and generally showboated. I could save a fucking penalty though, decent reactions. Sorted out my problems (going to ground, closing down 1 v 1) and played a few matches. Had a few alright games, although yeah I got the blame for any and all shit defending.

Worst match, some 40+ year old drunk wannabe village gangster decided he was going to me to the league. I got kicked to fuck, punched,world cup baby clothes, elbowed, kicked in the face twice (closing down 1 v 1). Get someone to pinch the underside of your arm where you bicep is. Not a single caution or yellow. I admit right now,world cup cricket jerseys, I got home, ran a bath and fucking cried. I was a kid against adults and i been torn apart.

Three days in bed, sore as fuck, could barely walk. Heard he had his head kicked in,world cup jerseys china, people decided what he had done was basically beat the shit out of a kid. I know my dad wasn too happy with it, and might have had something to do with it. Quit the league because of the reffing and joined an under 21 league,world cup 2010 germany jersey black, much more fun, better training.

I was a canny keeper. Not afraid of the ground,world cup jerseys cheap, or closing down oppo strikers. I still say out of all the keepers I played/met, I could stop a penalty better than any of the fuckers.

We played local sunday league. I think the furthest we went was like 50ish miles. We had a solid midfield, simply due to my two cousins both being central. Henry (not his real name, his marijuana name),world cup jerseys canada, still plays now, big lanky fucker that has a good turn of pace. He just gets overenthusiastic and gets booked/injured/sent off alot. The best was my youngest cousin, played on the wing and was fast as fuck. Our CF for a few years was a kid honestly like 3 years younger than the youngest. He shouldn have played in our league, but the fucker could score. He got pulled into England Schoolboys and school of excellence. No idea what he does now.

But yeah, I had blinders where nothing could get by me, and other games when it was like being in front of a firing squad. Let the sixth goal in and you feel like complete shit. You can hear people saying keepers shit you want to scream is ABOUT THE OTHER 10 FUCKING PLAYERS enough shots at me, and something is going in.

this is so sad to hear another promising canadian slip through the ranks. canada has so much potential but they do not give the players what they need to become truly brilliant. i personally went down a similar path, being the captain of a team that won a gold medal in the canadian national championship and playing for team ontario. i also had high hopes of playing in europe. i turned down a move to tranmere and shrewsbury when i was around 11 years old and chose to just play in canada instead. the development programs they have set in place here are garbage and if you want to make it anywhere it basically all on you. i ended up just playing club footy here in ontario until university where i also played in the CIS and due to a number of broken leg incidences I am also not currently playing competitively. but no, instead we give praise to players with height and speed, disregard talent, and let players develop on their own. what a shame.{huiweigji4-26}