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JOE Vol 5 Review

Joe series.

Collecting issues 41 50 of the Larry Hama penned series, this volume treats readers to the continuing love story between Candy Appel and Ripcord,world cup jerseys canada, the creation of Cobra Island, the identity of the Hard Master killer and the introduction of Dr. Mindbender,world cup 2010 germany jersey black, a new Cobra scientist who brings with him a deadly scheme that threatens to tear Cobra apart. Joe concerning the early, pre Joe tales of Stalker, Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow during the Vietnam War. Stories of honor and loyalty,world cup baby clothes, the horrors of war and those left behind. It pretty heavy stuff for a book based on a toy line and blew my mind at the age of 10.

We also treated to Hawk promotion to General and the introduction of Cobra Island. With those two events come all sorts of political maneuvering and backroom double dealing. Speaking of double dealing, Dr. Mindbender plan to create the ultimate Cobra Soldier at the end of this volume leads to (even more) troubles within the Cobra organization. Joe history. The book always featured crazy comic book technology and bigger than life characters, but there still a big difference between a man who wears a steel mask and a man created from the DNA of dead warriors. With the introduction of Dr. Mindbender and Serpentor, a book that toed a fine line for a long time takes a giant leap over it.

This volume also sees the introduction of a LOT of new Joes and vehicles that follow the same trend. Guys who wear army fatigues are replaced by soldiers clad in football jerseys. Is it really a bad thing,world cup jerseys china? Not necessarily: Larry Hama does an astonishing job of making it all flow seamlessly and even poking fun at guys from the motor pool and their relaxed dress code and he actually makes Serpentor a pretty cool character in the two issues in which he appears. Joe and all of the groundwork was laid in these issues.

Also,world cup, there is a HUGE spoiler given away on the back of the book! I know these comics are over twenty years old, but some fans are reading them for the first time. It really sucks that the folks at IDW actually gave away the murderer of Storm Shadow uncle right on the back cover.

The Bottom LineIt old hat by now, but I going to say it again. What could been just a simple toy tie in was made into magic by Larry Hama,world cup jerseys cheap china, who treated the material just as seriously as he would any other book. That fact has never been more evident than it is in this volume, where we get genetically enhanced clone warriors, poison spewing spores and so many new characters,world cup cricket jerseys, the mind reels trying to keep track of them all.

But we also get a look at the horrors of being a prisoner of war and the negative reaction that many veterans of the Vietnam War were treated to upon returning home,world cup jerseys cheap. It not exactly the type of stuff that generally comes up when discussing the benefits of swivel arm battle grip and it another example of why these books are still spoken of in respectful tones,world cup custom jerseys.

There are a lot of great family moments too,world cup, including those with Ripcord and Candy, and Candy father role as a Crimson Guardsman and Cobra Commander son Billy dealing with his past and preparing for his future. With the Joe and Cobra teams so well established by now, Hama really digs in with some great stories that explore the insane world in which they live. It another great collection and a fun trip down memory lane.{huiweigji4-25}